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A cookie is a small data file that contains letters and numbers. It is placed by a website on the device you use to access the internet. Cookies serve various purposes and may be associated with personal information. At WebCraft Solutions, we use cookies to assist in presenting and improving our websites  through information about website usage and settings, as described below. Our use of cookies is governed by this cookie policy and our privacy policy.

Browsers allow some control over the placement of cookies on your device through browser settings. Do Not Track signals and Global Privacy Control signals are mechanisms used to indicate that you do not want your online activity to be tracked, sold, or shared. WebCraft Solutions responds to a Global Privacy Control signal by disabling all non-essential cookies. Our system places cookies on your device when you visit a page on our websites unless you have adjusted your browser settings to not accept cookies.

Third parties may place cookies on your device when you view advertisements – including WebCraft Solutions advertisements – on websites, in services, or in programs owned by them. These cookies are governed by the respective company's privacy policy. WebCraft Solutions encourages you to review the privacy policies and cookie policies of third-party websites, services, or programs to understand how they may collect, use, and share your data.